What is Alkaline water ?

what is Ph ?

Ph is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It provides a value on a scale from 0 to 14 where 7 is neutral, less than 7 is alkaline. The closer you move towards 0, the more a solution is acidic, and the closer you move to 14, the more a solution is alkaline.

Why is it said that boiling water is not enough to purify it?

Boiling water only helps you remove the physical impurities that are present in water. That too, only if you boil the water for 20 minutes or more. It doesn't tackle the chemical impurities that are present. On the contrary boiling water has shown to increase the chemical impurities that are present in water like nitrates and pesticides. It also removes dissolved oxygen from water which your body needs to aid digestion.

How Do I know which water purifier will suit my office/Home the best ?

we have a team of experts who will help you understand the water source and choose an apt water purifier, based on the best technology.

During Monsoon season, corporation water is slighty colored and smells of chlorine. Why ?

During rainy season, the run-off rain water washes off land pollutants along with eroded top soil, sewage, industrial and agricultural wastes and sediment to the river stream. These contaminants increase the bacterial load in water. Hence, more bleaching powder is added to the water to reduce high bacterial population. This activity triggers the formation of chlorine by products in water.

During Monsoon season, the outbreaks of water borne diseases is very common, why?

During the rains, sewage water mixes with the drinking water source and thereby spreads across the distribution system. It contaminants the water with pathogens that cause water borne diseases like cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, jaundice, diarhea, gastroenteritis, dysentery etc.Â

Is it true that Newtun Water removes the essential minerals in water?

Absolutely not ! Newtun water will will not reduce essential minerals from water. The water purifier has a specially designed mineral Newtun Technology that prevents scaling on the quartz glazz tube of the chamber and retains the essential minerals in water.

Do you need to boil or filter purified water again?

Of course not ! The advanced range of water purifiers that we provide serve as a complete purification system which gives you pure and safe water just fill your glass and drink ! Also boiling purified water will not only alter the taste of the water but also removes essential minerals and nutrients, which is definitely not recommended.

How can I be sure that the water from my Newtun water is safe ?

we have strict quality norms at our manufacturing facilities, in fact our product are also tested at reputed Indian and International labs. Further, we offer water testing at our water labs (major cities) where we collect your water samples.

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