
Aquasoft 2000 Water Conditioner

The Aquasoft 2000 Water Conditioner is an innovative household water softener from Eureka Forbes. It is equipped with an advanced ion-exchange technology and turns every tap in your house into a source of soft water. With more resin volume, this water conditioner works even with high water hardness and is a perfect match for big families or families with large water consumption.
  • For hardness up to 1626 mg/l
  • Intelligent Inside
  • LCD Display panel
  • Automated regeneration
  • Auto Setting Lock
  • Suitable for Bigger families

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  • Intelligent Inside

    Based on the usage, the water conditioner automatically selects its function, making it more economical. Just set it and forget it

  • Fully Automated Regeneration

    Once set, the water conditioning media will regenerate itself automatically

  • LCD Display Panel

    The Aquasoft water conditioner has an easy to read LCD display panel for details of current settings

  • Compact Design

    The compact design of Aquasoft water conditioner allows it to be set up in your home, without occupying precious space

  • Auto Setting Lock

    If electric power to conditioner's control is lost, internal memory will maintain previous setting

  • Suitable for Bigger families

    With Resin Volume of 20 litres it can work for hardness upto 1626mg/l which provides more soft water even with more hardness in water

Physical Specifications

Technical Specifications

Recommended for
Water Hardness below 1626 mg/l
Technology - Ion-Exchange Technology
Water Flow Rate
FLOW RATE(l/m) - 22.7
Input Water Pressure
MIN-MAX WORKING PRESSURE - 1.0 - 2.0 kg/cm2
Total hardness (max)
1,626 mg/litre

Power Specifications

Max.flow rate (l/m) to drain during recharge

How is drinking water unsafe?

Why is it said that boiling water is not enough to purify it?

Boiling water only helps you remove the physical impurities that are present in water. That too, only if you boil the water for 20 minutes or more. It doesn’t tackle the chemical impurities that are present. On the contrary boiling water has shown to increase the chemical impurities that are present in water like nitrates and pesticides. It also removes dissolved oxygen from water which your body needs to aid digestion.

How do I know which water purifier will suit my office/home the best?

We have a team of experts who will help you understand the water source and choose an apt water purifier, based on the best technology.

During monsoon season, the outbreak of water borne diseases is very common, why?

During the rains, sewage water mixes with the drinking water source and thereby spreads across the distribution systems. It contaminates the water with pathogens that cause water borne diseases like cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, jaundice, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, dysentery etc.

During monsoon season, corporation water is slightly colored and smells of Chlorine. Why?

During rainy season, the run-off rainwater washes off land pollutants along with eroded top soil, sewage, industrial and agricultural wastes and sediments to the river stream. These contaminants increase the bacterial load in water. Hence, more bleaching powder (more than the permissible limit) is added to the water to reduce high bacterial population. This activity triggers the formation of chlorine by-products in water.

If you use treated corporation water supplied by government authority, do you still need an Aquaguard?

The corporation water is not purified, but only treated. In most of the cases, water is treated or chlorinated using bleaching powder. Chlorination does not completely remove the impurities from water. Besides, chlorination itself contributes to making the water less potable, which means the water that reaches your kitchen, is loaded with impurities.

Is it true that Aquaguard removes the essential minerals in water?

Absolutely not! Aquaguard will not reduce essential minerals from water. The water purifier has a specially designed Mineral Guard Technology that prevents scaling on the quartz glazz tube of the UV chamber and retains the essential minerals in water.

Do you need to boil or filter purified water again?

Of course not! The advanced range of water purifiers that we provide serve as a complete purification system which gives you pure and safe water. Just fill your glass and drink! Also boiling purified water will not only alter the taste of the water but also removes essential minerals and nutrients, which is definitely not recommended.

How can I be sure that the water from my Aquaguard is safe?

We have strict quality norms at our manufacturing facilities, in fact our products are also tested at 135 reputed Indian and International Labs. Further, we offer water testing at our Water Labs (major cities) where we collect your water samples and test it at a very nominal charge.

How long can the Aquaguard purified water be stored?

For hygienic reasons, it is preferable to replace the stored water after two days. It is also advisable to store Aquaguard water in a cool and clean place, preferably in steel or glass containers. Avoid matkas or storage filters as they tend to breed microorganisms.

What is the power consumption of Aquaguard water purifiers?

The consumption of electricity in water purifiers is negligible compared to other electric equipments in your house. Aquaguard has a power consumption of 25 watts. It consumes 1-unit current in 40 hours, in which it can purify 4800 L of drinking water. On an average, we use 15 L of purified water per day in a house. According to this calculation, a household normally requires 7300 liters of water per year. So the electric consumption will be approximately 1.52 units per year. (Power consumption may vary slightly for different models)

Do you have any water testing facility of your own to test the water? What is the charge?

Yes, we do have a water testing facility of our own in major cities called Aquachek. We do the complete chemical and bacterial test at a nominal fee.

Is there a service backup available for Aquaguard? Do you have any dedicated service helpline?

With the largest after sales network in India, we have over 1100 service centres in all major cities in India with more than 5000 trained service technicians. We have a dedicated service helpline which is active 24X7. The help line number is 18602661177 / 7039883333

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